Art On Call

Neurosurgery Dr.Ko.jpg

If you have been following Scientissimum closely, you most likely encountered some of our most prominent and active members, who represent underserved healthcare communities with bravery and resilience like no one else. Today we would like to showcase a beautiful work of art of our amazing member - Dr. Kathryn Ko. Dr. Ko is an ambidextrous (a person who is able to use the right and left hands equally well) Neurosurgeon, Multimedia artist, Women In Surgery Advocate, Mentor and just a great friend who performs one of the most complicated cases at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, NY.

As a creative person, Dr.Ko finds a way to balance her work and art by bringing them together in the most mesmerizing ways, she expresses herself on canvas the same way - she experiences her work in the Operating Room. By looking at her paintings, you can dive into a world of neurosurgery, and even feel the field mentally, as she uses colors to bring the light of real neurosurgical life for you to see. 

And if you have never seen her work, today I would like to shine some light on her latest video podcast and advocacy for Glioblastoma - the most challenging and currently uncurable tumor in the neurosurgery.

You can follow Dr.Ko's instagram here.